"The techniques of mindfulness meditation, with their emphasis on developing detached observation and awareness of the contents of consciousness, may represent a powerful cognitive behavioral coping strategy for transforming the ways in which we respond to life events."--Research
How to reduce stress? This is a common question that we often ask among ourselves. After all, it is very easy to understand that when you have too much work on your plate and there is nothing else on the minds to making sure that your kids are safe and not getting injured, then you will be under a lot of pressure. You may have hypertension because of it or maybe diabetes or even high blood pressure. This type of stress can cause us to make errors in judgment and decisions. You may make some poor choices and that is why it is important for you to learn how to reduce stress.
"Following participation, experimental subjects, when compared with controls, evidenced significantly greater changes in terms of: (1) reductions in overall psychological symptomatology; (2) increases in overall domain-specific sense of control and utilization of an accepting or yielding mode of control in their lives, and (3) higher scores on a measure of spiritual experiences."--Astin J.A., Stress Reduction through Mindful Meditation
We often take this the wrong way when it comes to asking how to reduce stress? Instead of asking yourself how to reduce stress, first, you ask yourself what stress actually is. Stress is defined as the body's reaction to any type of demand, whether it is a physical demand or a mental or emotional demand. For you to learn how to reduce stress, you must first identify what stress is and what its symptoms are.
When you feel stress, the first thing that you will experience is your body's reaction to it. Your heart rate will increase, you may sweat, your body will tremble, and your muscles will tighten. These symptoms are your body's way of preparing itself for action. It is also meant to notify you that something is about to happen or is definitely happening.
There are many types of stress. Some examples of these are financial stress, social stress, physical stress, and even mental stress. Stress can cause everything in your life to deteriorate. It can make you lose your job; can cause you to make impulsive and careless decisions; can cause health problems that can range from being overweight to developing cancer; and can bring negative emotional consequences such as depression. If you think you might be stressed, there are ways on how to reduce stress!
First, if you have never experienced stress before, then it is good to know that there is help. You can take professional advice and get a therapist who can help you manage your stress levels. In addition, you may want to consider getting a massage which helps to relax the body, helps the mind to deal with stressful situations, and lowers blood pressure. You can also find many massage chairs on the market that will allow you to work out your neck, back, arms, or legs while you are watching TV or reading the paper. By getting massage therapy on a regular basis, you can learn how to control and lower your stress levels.
You can always try to stay away from things that make you stressed. For instance, if For instance, if you are not more of a people-person then perhaps you should stay away from individuals who constantly bother you about things which they probably know nothing about! Just know that by staying away from stressful situations, you are yielding to your body’s defense mechanism to reduce stress levels.
You can also take up yoga or meditation to help lower your stress levels. These types of techniques are excellent at helping you to achieve a relaxed and stress-free state. In fact, studies have shown that people who meditate and practice yoga regularly often find that their stress levels are reduced by up to 40%. This is an extremely effective method of how to reduce stress?
Try changing your wardrobe. Maybe it is time to buy a new dress or even change your shoes! By shopping for new clothes and shoes, you will not only keep yourself busy, you will also be showing initiative—two factors that can really help lower your stress levels.
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1. Astin J, A: Stress Reduction through Mindfulness Meditation. Psychother Psychosom 1997;66:97-106. doi: 10.1159/000289116
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